DIY: Warmachine Gaming Table

Posted: October 2, 2010 in Hordes, Pictures, Tutorials, Warmachine

So, with the advent of a child, I have been trying to play at home more often. This, of course, is much more difficult when I cannot find a 4′ by 4′ table anywhere in the house. After thinking through all of my options (folding tables, caps for my current tables, etc) I decided the easiest (and cheapest) solution would be to just build a solid freestanding table. I managed to build one for about $15. The key was finding a cheap, fairly decent 4′ by 4′ board for relatively cheap. I lucked out in that a buddy of mine had one in my garage he was willing to give me. From there, I bought a 2″x4″16′ and two 2″x4″x8′ boards. I cut them like this:

2 – 48″
2 – 45″
4 – 36″

The 48″ and 45″ boards made the 4′ by 4′ frame and the 36″ where the legs. $10 spent on wood.

Before attaching the table top, I picked up a piece of 5′ by 5′ green fleece for about $5 at Jo-Ann Fabrics. I sprayed the board with a spray adhesive and pulled the fleece tight overtop of it. then I lifted the board and tucked the remainder of the fleece underneath. Finally, using a razor, I cut slits in the corners and sides of the boards. I ran screws down to attach the board and then used glue to hold the slits closed. This creates a rather seemless top:

And thats it. Enjoy!

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